Despite being the body’s largest organ, many people ignore the health of their skin. As a barrier protecting the rest of our body from the outside world, skin has an important role in our overall health. External signs and symptoms on the skin are often the first indicators of something wrong on the inside. This means that taking care of the skin isn’t just about looking good; it can also help improve overall health outcomes. The team at Affiliated Dermatology is here to help you understand the benefits of visiting a dermatologist, common conditions that patients see us for, how to recognize them,  and when to seek help from a medical professional. 

One of the common misconceptions about dermatologists is that patients with serious skin issues only need their services. But actually, annual skin exams are essential for effective skin cancer prevention. Whether or not you have a history of skin cancer, early detection is your best defense.

You certainly should consider visiting a dermatologist if you’ve noticed any of the symptoms below, and should make an appointment sooner rather than later:

  • An unusual mole or skin growth that’s changed size, shape, or color
  • A mole that’s painful, itchy, or bleeding
  • Persistent breakouts, redness, dryness, or irritation

Should You See a Dermatologist?

One of the most common questions we receive is, “Do you need to go to the dermatologist if you don’t have skin problems?”

The answer is yes; even someone with apparently healthy skin should have regular check-ups with a dermatologist. There are many benefits to seeing a dermatologist, most of which can be useful even to an individual with a flawless, youthful complexion.

  • A dermatologist can recognize the earliest signs of skin cancer and make sure prompt action is taken.
  • A dermatologist can help you improve your skin in ways you didn’t think possible, including treating acne, irritation, uneven tone or texture, and even thinning hair.
  • Dermatologists provide highly specialized care for your skin, nails, and hair. Many people assume that dermatologists only care for skin, but they are also experts in healthy hair and nails.

The Benefits of Seeing a Dermatologist

Let’s start with some of the benefits of regular checkups from a dermatologist. These extend beyond merely having unusual conditions examined. Some of the major advantages of visiting a state-of-the-art dermatology practice include:

Early Detection of Skin Cancer: 

Dermatologists can identify early signs of skin cancer, allowing you to get potentially life-saving treatments earlier.

Advanced Diagnostic Tools: 

Good facilities use the latest diagnostic equipment to help dermatologists accurately identify skin issues for proper treatment.

Management of Chronic Conditions: 

Long-term skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne can all be relieved by dermatologists.


Preventive Care Advice: 

Dermatologists can offer personalized guidance on protecting and maintaining healthy skin to prevent future issues.

Cosmetic Concerns: 

Dermatologists can help with cosmetic issues, enhancing the skin’s appearance and boosting self-confidence.

Skincare Recommendations: 

Professionals can advise on the best skincare products and routines suited to individual skin types and concerns.

When & Why to See a Dermatologist for Different Conditions

Now, let’s talk about some of the most common skin conditions we treat at Affiliated Dermatology and when you should see a dermatologist if you have symptoms.


This common skin condition occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Most acne can be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) treatments. However, persistent acne that doesn’t respond to OTC treatments warrants seeing a dermatologist. A dermatologist can prescribe stronger medications, use treatments like chemical peels, and provide advice on preventing the condition. Persistent acne that isn’t treated can worsen the condition, scarring and loss of self-esteem.


Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a condition that causes itchy, inflamed, and sometimes cracked skin. Although it can appear anywhere, it’s commonly seen on the face, hands, and knees. Over-the-counter treatment may work, but it’s time to see a dermatologist if you experience persistent itching, redness, or symptoms that impact your daily life. Untreated eczema can result in infections, skin damage, and reduced quality of life.


This is a chronic autoimmune condition. It speeds up skin cells’ growth cycle, resulting in thick, red, scaly patches forming on the skin. These patches may be itchy or sore. If the condition is persistent, begins to impact your joint mobility, or otherwise causes discomfort, a dermatologist can help. The condition can worsen to psoriatic arthritis or other health issues if it’s not properly cared for.


This condition is marked by brown or gray-brown patches on the skin, usually occurring on the face. Melasma is more common in women and is often associated with hormonal changes, though sun exposure is also a factor. See a dermatologist if you have noticeable dark patches on the face or other sun-exposed areas. Without help, the condition could result in more discoloration, long-term cosmetic concerns, and impacts on self-esteem.

How Often Should You See a Dermatologist?

At the bare minimum, you should see a dermatologist at least once per year.

Aside from keeping your skin looking and feeling its best, your dermatologist serves an important role in reducing your risk of serious skin cancer. Regular skin exams are key for prevention and early detection, even if you have no personal or family history of skin cancer.

It may be best to schedule more frequent visits if you have fair skin, a history of skin cancer in yourself or close family members, or any suspicious moles or growths.

Contact a Dermatologist Near You Today

If you’re experiencing any of these problems, especially if they have progressed to the point they’re impacting your quality of life, contact a dermatologist today. Affiliated Dermatology has a staff of expert medical professionals who can help you understand your condition and provide you with treatment options. Contact us for more information or to make an appointment.

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