Coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be ready for a change of pace or a revitalization of your social life, along with a complete restructure of the routine you took up during the long periods of quarantine at home. It’s time to build confidence, be your best self, and start living your best life—outside the house.

Let’s take a look at a few ways you can turn the focus to yourself and start on the right path toward living out loud once you reenter the world this year.

Take care of your skin 

A great skincare routine should include cleansing, treating, and moisturizing your face daily. Your skin needs ingredients like vitamin C, retinol, and alpha hydroxy acid in order to protect and strengthen your skin and reduce the appearance of aging and stress. You can also add toners, serums, and eye creams—all depending on what your skin can handle and what feels best for your skin type. It may sound like a lot of work, but putting the effort into creating this kind of routine will help you later because making a habit out of this now will improve the likelihood of doing it even when you don’t feel like it. 

Something important to think about for the summer, as well: As you’re starting to think about going out and about in the summer sun once the pandemic subsides, don’t forget to protect your skin against harmful radiation. July is UV Safety Awareness Month, so it’s a great time to solidify your routine and make sure you’re putting sunscreen on whenever you are out in the sun for longer periods of time. Overexposure to UV radiation can lead to potentially harmful diseases like skin cancer or eye problems, so it’s critical that you protect yourself from the sun’s rays. 

Take care of your finances 

The pandemic has been stressful for everyone and nearly everything, and your finances are probably not an exception. You should take a look at some money-saving techniques and budgeting strategies in order to get your finances in order and make sure you’re not overspending just to exist. Several ways of saving money could include: 

  • Refinance your home: Mortgage refinance rates are at nearly historic lows. By refinancing your home, you can decrease equity in the house and free up cash or reduce your monthly mortgage payment. This will help you pad your savings and give you a little bit of breathing room. 
  • Buy generic when you can: Generic-brand foods and household items are usually just as good as (or better than!) the name-brand items. In fact, some store brands are actually the same product as name brands, just packaged differently and sold for less. 
  • Budget for savings: If you want to save money, it needs to be in your budget. That way, you can ensure that at least some of your income is being put away for emergencies or a rainy day. 

Take care of your body 

Eating better and exercising regularly is something we can all do more of. Having a set exercise routine can help give us a schedule, help us feel more grounded, and bring us a level of physical fitness. Exercise has been proven to boost mood, improve sleep, and increase energy levels throughout your body — and as you continue to move forward with your life after the pandemic, you will want to have the energy to experience it all firsthand. Having a regular exercise routine can help with that. 

Practicing healthy eating habits goes hand in hand with regular exercise—they are two sides of the physical and mental health coin. Eating better can help brighten your mood, get you the nutrients you need to sustain that high level of energy necessary to do everything you’ve missed in the last year, and help clear your skin as well. Improve your relationship with food first and don’t just decrease calorie numbers without taking into account the actual nutrition in what you’re eating. Get plenty of vegetables and protein, as well as good fats like omega-3 acids. 

Take care of your mental well being 

Mental health and well being is something we should all focus on, especially as the burdens of the past year and a half continue to weigh on us. We should especially take care of our emotional health, as events throughout the pandemic have been stressful to say the least, and many people are reporting an increase in anxiety levels even as we emerge from quarantine restrictions. There are several different kinds of activities you can do to improve your mental health and erect a barrier around your mind, so that you can face the world with a smile and a positive attitude. 

For one, you can take up meditation or yoga. Both of these activities treasure calm, relaxing environments and can help soothe anxiety. In particular, meditation has been shown to help with stress and can even be used as a tool to help decrease inflammation (and therefore manage chronic pain). The practice of breathing in and out methodically, while focusing inward instead of the stressful circumstances in your life, can help decrease the activity of stress hormones in your body and help you manage your level of distraction by those anxious thoughts. 

Shoot for your dreams 

There has never been a better time to reinvent yourself and get out into the world as a fully realized individual with a new look, a great fitness routine, and a healthy mindset. Your dreams are achievable, and your life is best… well… lived. Get out there and be your best self! Good luck and enjoy your new freedom with all the confidence these tips can bring!

Are you ready to put your skincare on the top of your list of priorities? Get in touch with the dermatological experts at Affiliated Dermatology today to learn more about how we can help you take better care of your skin. 

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