That glowing summer tan is the goal, and nothing will stand in the way of fun in the sun. Freedom awaits after a little sunscreen is applied and forgotten about for the rest of the day. Hours later, a peek in the mirror reveals a horrifying sunburn. Some people shrug it off at first, but everyone regrets neglecting their sunscreen when the pain comes a few hours later.

What’s Painful and Red All Over… Sunburn

Sunburns are painful and ugly, and it only gets worse when they start to peel. Keep reading to learn all about your sunburn, how to get some relief, and how to prevent it from happening again! Summer is just around the corner and everyone is excited to enjoy some time around the pool and on the beach.

What Causes Skin to Get Sunburnt?

A sunburn is an allergic reaction to direct DNA damage by UV rays from the sun. Yep. Humans are allergic to the sun. Some people just react by turning a golden brown while others turn a fire-engine red. Either way, it is a sign that the UV radiation from the sun has damaged the DNA in your skin cells. Both UVA and UVB sun rays are harmful to your skin and can cause sunburn and lead to skin cancer. How quickly you burn is related to a component of the skin called melanin. Melanin, which is made by your body, protects the deeper layers of your skin from damaging sun rays and is what gives your skin its color. Depending on how much melanin you have, will dictate how quickly you burn or tan.

How Your Body Heals from Sunburns

Luckily, the skin is the largest organ on your body and it is fast healing, so it sends blood to the damaged area to help heal and create new skin underneath. The extra blood in the capillaries is what causes the redness. That is why when you press on it, the skin will turn white and then go back to red as the capillaries refill. As new skin develops, the body tries to get rid of the old, damaged skin cells and this leads to the dreaded peeling. Keep in mind that each sunburn is not the same. The recovery from a sunburn can vary depending on your skin type & degree of sunburn.

The Best Treatments for Sunburn Relief

Luckily, most sunburns are first degree burns, only involving the top layer of skin, which means most can be treated without seeking medical help. Even though first degree burns aren’t as serious as higher-degree burns, they can still be painful, so here are some tips to help ease the burn. As quickly as possible, apply cold, wet compresses to the sites or take a cool shower for about 10 minutes. Over the counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, taken as outlined on the bottle’s packaging, can also help prevent or minimize pain, inflammation, and subsequent swelling associated with the sunburn. Additionally we have even more advice on how to deal with more sever sunburns and heal faster.

Sunburn Treatment Tips:

After you’ve taken these initial measure, make sure to follow these tips in order to get the most relief for your sunburn.

  1. Stay out of the sun until fully healed! More sun will make it worse.
  2. Cool compresses
  3. Cool showers or baths (don’t even try a warm one)
  4. Use lotions that have aloe vera. If it has lidocaine in it too, it’s even better!
  5. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drinks a lot of water and electrolytes. Replacing lost body fluids will help your skin heal faster.
  6. Moisturize regularly to keep the skin hydrated.
  7. Hydrocortisone cream may help relieve itching and swelling
  8. Do not pick at peeling skin. It is very tempting but it is better left alone.
  9. Take pain relievers such as Ibuprofen, or naproxen to relieve pain and inflammation
  10. Take an antihistamine like Benadryl. It should ease itching and help you sleep. This is an allergic reaction after all.

Protecting Your Skin from Sunburns

If you want to keep your skin as healthy and beautiful, it is important to block the UV rays as much as possible. This includes the days we might not see as potentially harmful. Cloudy days, for example, are the perfect cover for a sneaky sunburn because, while the day may be cool and the sun is hidden, the UV rays still cut through the clouds and wreak havoc on your skin.

The Altitude Can Impact UV Exposure

Altitude can also play a significant factor. The higher up you are, the more likely you are to get sunburned because there is less of the earth’s atmosphere to block the sunlight. UV exposure increases about 4% for every 1000 ft gain in elevation. A good rule of thumb to follow is the shadow rule. If the shadow is shorter than you are tall, the UV rays are more powerful and likely to give you a painful sunburn if you’re not careful. During this time of day, it is best to either cover up well or seek some shade. Staying in the shade away from reflective surfaces such as water or sand is also a good idea while the UV rays are strongest between 10am and 4pm.

UV Protective Clothing & Sunglasses

Covering up with a layer of clothing can make a significant difference. Dark colors and tightly woven fabrics provide the most protection. It may not be the most fashionable look on the beach, but your skin will thank you, be with you forever, and look amazing! There are many sun protective clothing for sale now that are very stylish! Also consider wearing a shady hat and sunglasses to protect your neck, face, and eyes. Yes, your eyes can burn too!

Consider the Sun Intensity in Your Area

Another thing to consider at home or when taking a trip is the UV Index scale. You can search for the UV index in almost any major city in the US to see the intensity of UV rays in that part of the world. Phoenix, AZ currently reaches a high of 8 on the UV index (a high rating) from 10am until 3pm every day. People there should either stay inside or protect their skin while they are out and about.

Avoid Tanning Beds

They increase your risk of melanoma by 75% and make age prematurely. You don’t need the fake glow to look beautiful. Be comfortable in your own skin.

Remember the Risk of Margarita Rash

Another skin complication which has some overlap with sunburn is something known as a margarita rash. This comes from skin contact with lime or lemon juice, along with other similar compounds. While sun exposure can exacerbate this condition, it is distinctly different from a traditional sunburn.

The Importance of Sunscreen in Preventing Sunburns

Sunscreen! Sunscreen! Sunscreen! Dermatologists recommend choosing a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and applying generously at least 15 minutes before you go outside and then every one or two hours after that. Remembering to little things is important too. A common mistake made is forgetting to sunscreen a small area like the ears or scalp if you have a part. Another mistake is relying on SPF alone. Some people eat their sunscreen in the form of zinc pills. Be sunburn free both inside and out! It is no substitute for applying sunscreen or covering up, but it is definitely helpful and could give you some breathing room if you can’t get back to apply your sunscreen every hour on the dot or if you have super fair skin that always burns.

Dr. Newman’s Advice for Sunburn Protection:

“It’s never too late in life to protect your skin from UV radiation from the sun. Many of my patients over the age of 40 will admit that they had sunburns as a child, and often ask me whether or not they can mitigate the harm from these past exposures to significant sun radiation. Having a healthy immune system is likely important for preventing skin cancers.”“Unfortunately, we have yet to find ways to boost our immunity to prevent skin cancers. There isn’t any science that demonstrates we can turn back the clock on our sun exposure. However, we can minimize any further exposure simply by minimizing sun exposure and applying sunscreens throughout the day.”

The Potential After-Effects of Sunburns

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. So be aware! Melanoma, the most common type of skin cancer, is caused by too much exposure to UV rays. In other words, a sunburn. In fact, a person’s risk for melanoma doubles if he or she has had more than five sunburns in their life. The good news: if you sunscreen daily with an SPF of 30 or greater, you reduce the risk of developing melanoma by 50% and it is never too late to start applying sunscreen! Make it a habit to regularly protect your skin.

Skin Exams are Critical!

Another good habit is to thoroughly check yourself every month or so for anything that looks weird or different on your body over time. Especially if any odd lumps or moles form or change shape. If you notice anything weird, contact your dermatologist in Phoenix, AZ and have them check it out. Here at Affiliated Dermatology we provide full body skin exams to check for signs of melanoma. Affiliated Dermatology also specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers for our Arizona patients, including treating skin cancer via Mohs surgery. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out today.

Dr. Newman’s Advice for Skin Cancer Concerns

From Dr. Newman, our Dermatologist in Old Town Scottsdale – 

“I highly recommend being seen by a dermatologist to screen for skin cancers, regardless of being an otherwise healthy adult whom currently protects their skin from UV radiation. No human being is ever immune from getting a skin cancer. But with saying that, it’s important to know that you could (and you should) live a quality lifestyle and enjoy all the things you like to do, as long as you are having your skin checked by a skin specialist along side of diligently protecting your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.”“What’s great about being a dermatologist is that we commonly find cancers when they are early and less life threatening. We often get to tell our patients we can cure their cancers with a simple surgery. This is why I stress to my patients the importance of having a skin check regularly,”

When to See a Doctor for Sunburns & Sunburn Complications

You should seek medical help if you or a child has severe blistering over a large portion of the body, has a fever and chills, or is woozy or confused. Don’t scratch or pop blisters, which can lead to infection. Signs of infection include red streaks or oozing pus. If you’re concerned with a recent sunburn you or your child might have gotten, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment today with the skin experts at Affiliated Dermatology. We have a number of office locations throughout Arizona, where you can easily get help with your sunburn or skin condition.

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