Updated: October 19, 2023

What is Skin Inflammation? 

Skin is sensitive and you should maintain healthy habits to avoid inflammation. When there is any kind of internal disorder, it can be directly reflected on the skin’s surface. This condition is often identified as skin inflammation or, scientifically known as dermatitis.

A lot of things can affirm if you are struggling with skin inflammation. For instance, you may have significant acne at specific places in the face as well as other parts of the body, painful rashes or blisters, and breakouts. All of these are affected by one very significant factor that controls the body’s overall functioning—the immune system. 

When there is any bacterial or fungal attack on the body, the immune system responds so as to not cause our body harm. Due to the response, these minor yet insightful symptoms arise on the skin that should alert you that there might be some kind of allergic reaction, internal disease, or any kind of infection present in the body. Read on with Affiliated Dermatology below:

Symptoms of Skin Inflammation

The symptoms of skin inflammation range from mild to severe and may present as rashes, acne/pimples, painful blisters, and breakouts. Here are a few different types of rashes that can be correlated to inflammation:

  • Itchiness around the area of acne and burning sensation
  • The surface of acne can be of two types: smooth or scaly
  • Acne can come as a red spot, or it might inflate as well
  • Warmness or redness in that area
  • Pus or blood may come out once in a while
  • The acne can spread all over the face and cause multiple pimples and blisters
  • The skin may be dehydrated, and blood may form from cracks or fissures in the skin
  • The skin might thicken in that area

Types of Skin Inflammation

There are broadly two types of skin inflammation:

Acute. When acne and pimples last for six weeks or less and are caused by normal allergic reactions or even prolonged exposure to the sun, this condition is known as acute skin inflammation.

Chronic. When the symptoms mentioned above last for more than six weeks, it gives rise to various skin diseases like eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.


Acne and rashes show up at the surface of the skin when there is any kind of bacterial or viral attack on the body, and our immune system tries to fight it off. The cells that are involved in taking this action in the immune system cause such skin inflammation. Below, are some of the causes of blatant skin inflammation.

Unhealthy eating habits. Some specific foods and drinks trigger skin inflammation, but usually, these types of inflammation are acute inflammation which goes away after a few weeks. Nonetheless, people may need to avoid these potential triggers:

  • Any kind of dairy products
  • Products with caffeine
  • Alcohol and tobacco
  • Sugar
  • Gluten food products
  • Eggplants and potatoes, except sweet potatoes
  • Excessive intake of fried foods

Gut-skin connection. A fact about skin inflammation that everyone does not know is that if someone has an unhealthy gut issue, it directly affects the entire functioning of the body. If such a bad situation about the gut arises, it gives rise to skin inflammation and sometimes different kinds of skin diseases linked to it like eczema and rosacea.

Heat and other infections. Some people are allergic to the prolonged exposure to the sun and too much heat in a single place. It causes blisters and red spots all over the body and, if not treated immediately, can also give rise to skin diseases that would take a long time to heal. Certain cosmetic products and perfumes can also give rise to skin inflammation.

Bacterial Infections. There are many types of bacterial infection attacks that can cause both acute and chronic skin inflammations. The oil that accumulates on the surface of the face for a long period of time can cause seborrheic dermatitis. Other types of infections are cellulitis, ringworm, and impetigo.

How to Cure Skin Inflammation & Bring Back the Glow 

An article on the Healthcanal website mentioned that skin repair reduces the chance of getting a chronic disease caused by inflammation that occurs at old age. A good skincare routine and a healthy lifestyle prevent such terrible skin inflammation. Here are a few ways to help cure inflamed skin:

  • Start eating healthy
  • Wash your face with cold water
  • Moisturize and use sunscreen every day
  • Consult a dermatologist and use a specific type of skincare product
  • Change pillow covers regularly

How to Reduce Skin Inflammation and Redness? Skin Inflammation Treatment with Affiliated Dermatology

Skin inflammation is a widespread issue, especially among women. Due to an upsurge of hormones every month due to the menstrual cycle, it is common for women to have acne and breakouts. An unhealthy lifestyle is a huge reason for such a condition and it is not advisable to experiment by doing simple internet research but to consult a professional dermatologist from Affiliated Dermatology – Experts in Skin Disease Treatment & Prevention.

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